General Information

General Information

The official language of WSC 2021 will be English.

CME Accreditation

For more information about CME/CPD Accreditation of this medical event, click here.

Virtual Meeting/Platform


Support from pharmaceutical partners helps make this event possible.  As such, it is important that we comply with the various codes and directives relating to the manufacturing, distribution, and marketing of pharmaceutical products. The European Union directive (2001/83/EC, article 86) provides guidelines relating to medicinal products for human use. Within these guidelines is the restriction that access to pharmaceutical product marketing activities must be limited to only those participants licensed/authorised to prescribe or supply medicinal products. All participants, with the exception of the exhibitors, are asked the following question during registration: Are you licensed/authorised to prescribe or supply prescription only medicines? 

Within the virtual event platform healthcare professional authorised to prescribe prescription medicines will be recognised with a letter P (Prescriber) indicated after their names. 


Within the virtual event platform, all exhibitors (booth admins) will be recognised with a letter E (Exhibitor) indicated after their names. 

Terms of Use

Registered participants will receive personalized credentials to access to the Virtual Congress. These credentials are personal and non-transferable.  By signing in to the platform, you agree to the Terms of Use.

Data Protection

Our privacy policy has been updated. To view the Privacy Notice click here.


Closed Captioning/ Transcript Disclaimer

Video recordings published on the virtual platform will be transcribed automatically using the ‘Automatic speech recognition’ (ASR) feature in the platform.

Closed captioning and/or transcription is being provided solely for the convenience of our viewers. The 13th World Stroke Congress, the World Stroke Organization and Kenes International Organizers of Congresses SA do not review for accuracy any information that appears in a closed caption or transcript. The 13th World Stroke Congress, the World Stroke Organization and Kenes International Organizers of Congresses SA make no representations or warranties, and expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability with respect to, any errors or omissions in, or the accuracy, reliability, timeliness or completeness of, any information that appears in a closed caption or transcript.

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